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Planet Eilaela Retold (story)

Revision as of 21:20, 6 February 2024 by Er1c1996 (talk | contribs)
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This is a complete rewrite of Roleplay:Planet Eilaela, meant to start from scratch and rework some of the clunkier writing that had been held over in the original version.

The Crew

Vultro the Fox

A fennec fox and the tallest and skinniest among his friends. He has trademark large ears, cream colored fur, and spiky white hair. His sneakers are blue and red, and he usually wears white gloves. He does not always think about the consequences of his actions, which often lands him in trouble.

Raven the Gray Wolf

Raven is a tall gray wolf born in the Sol dimension. She has a natural connection to the Sol Emeralds. She has a light gray muzzle, blue plated armor, and has specially crafted black combat boots. A fierce warrior with a coarse personality, Raven usually only shows her inner kindness to her closest friends, and very rarely at that.

As an assistant guardian of the Sol dimension, she is sometimes allowed possession of the Sol Emeralds.

Wreck the Fox

Wreck is a muscular black fox with slicked spiky hair, blonde chest fur, and golden yellow eyes. He usually wears white boots and matching gloves. He is the strongest of the crew, and his brute strength can take on most foes that he encounters. He is dating Frankie the Bat, and agreed to come along on the journey with the promise of some sort of surprise from her when they arrive.

Wreck met Vultro three years prior to this story, on an adventure called The Secret of Robots.

Frankie the Bat

Frances “Frankie” the Bat is a skinny red bat with brown eyes, yellow and purple boots, brown gloves, and a light blue tank top and bandana. She is the girlfriend of Wreck and traveled with him on this trip with the idea of bringing him on a surprise romantic date on an exotic planet. Her flight abilities make her a useful addition to the team, along with her speed and agility while in the air.

She also has heightened hearing and can hear sounds from a much further distance than the rest of the team.

Cync the Cat

Cyncatia “Cync” the Cat is a light blue cat and the newest friend of Vultro. She has long curly brown hair with pink highlights, green eyes, and wears a light blue tank top with black shorts. Cync met Vultro shortly before the events of this story, and they became quick friends.

She has a unique shapeshifting ability that enables her to take the form of many creatures, including her friends and enemies.

Jenny the Fox

Jenara “Jenny” the Fox is an arctic fox from Mobius. She is similar in size to Vultro, sporting platinum-blue fur, a bushy tail, and purple gloves and clothing. She is skinny and fast like Vultro too, being able to outrun many of her foes. She never knew her father, but she was extensively trained by her mother in Chaos magic as she grew up.

She can cast spells using Chaos energy, some even without possession of a Chaos Emerald.


Chapter 1

Raven's fists pounded against the training dummy, each blow ringing out like thunder in the silent gym. She was only fifteen, but the fierce combat training required of her had made her stronger than many twice her age. For years, she had spent her days at school and her nights on the training grounds, driven by a burning desire to become a Sol Guardian like her idol Blaze.

But despite her dedication to her craft, Raven still struggled with the weight of her own emotions. She had few friends in this life, so she very much cherished the bond she had formed with Vultro, a young fox who lived on Earth. Whenever she returned to Earth, she made a point to check on him... even if she tried to pretend that all that "emotion" stuff was beneath her.

When Vultro approached her one day, eyes bright with excitement, Raven couldn't help but feel a flicker of that excitement too. "I want to go to space!" Vultro exclaimed, bouncing up and down. "I want to build my own spaceship and explore the stars!"

Raven raised an eyebrow, skeptical but intrigued. "Space, huh?" she said. "That's pretty ambitious, even for you, bud."

Vultro was undaunted. He talked excitedly about his plans to visit Techtown, find an engineer, and bring his dream to life. Raven listened with a mixture of amusement and concern, wondering if he was in over his head, but unwilling to crush his spirit. She could only smile back at him, something she was working on doing more often. "Sure, bud. I believe in you."

That was three years ago, Raven thought to herself. She could not believe that she was now sitting on the very ship Vultro had dreamed of making that day. Not only that, but the damn thing was hurdling through space without a single problem... at least so far.

"Alrighty. We should be arriving at Ethos within the hour!" Vultro said over his shoulder. Raven looked over to see Wreck leaning back in his chair, throwing his arms up behind his head. "Finally," he mumbles. Frankie, who is sitting next to him, pats him on the leg affectionately. "Isn't he just the most patient fox in the world?" Frankie said to Raven jokingly.

Cyncatia is standing next to Vultro, looking out the front window of the ship. Her triangular cat ears twitched as she stared out into the vast emptiness. Finally, Vultro's words register with her. "Vultro, didn't you just say we're almost there? At Ethos?" Vultro looks down at the dashboard, only to look up again in concern. He thumps on one of the radar displays with his finger. "What the..."

"What's going on?" she asks. Vultro points to the radar scanner. "The radar is saying Ethos is right there in front of us... but it's not. I looked away for a minute, now it's gone." Cyncatia stares at the radar for a moment. "I never saw a planet out there..." she says. The ship begins to shake, and she looks back out the window. As if out of nowhere, the horizon is now completely filled by a strange-looking, green and brown planet. "What the--!" she yells as a fireball begins to form around the ship.

Raven could feel her heart pounding in her chest as Vultro struggled to regain control of the ship, his hands flying over the controls. She leaps out of her seat and up to the cockpit. "Vultro, how did you miss that giant planet? It's a planet!" Vultro continues to toggle switches in a vain attempt to regain control. "It's not on the radar Raven, it wasn't even there a minute ago! Ask Cync!" Raven exchanged a concerned frown with Cync, who could only nod in agreement. Raven calmly turned back to her seat, throwing down her bag and rummaging through it.

"We're going to crash, aren't we?" Raven asked over her shoulder, her voice steady despite the panic rising inside her. Vultro continues to fiddle with the landing controls, trying to prepare the ship for a proper landing. "Vultro Zeridia!" she barks. "Are we crashing?" "Yes! I mean, maybe!?" he snaps back after a beat. "I can't get the landing sequence to activate!" he yells. Raven shut her eyes, full of fear and regret for being so stupid as to bring the Emeralds along. I guess this is it... she thinks as she dives back into her seat and straps in.

Chapter 2

Jenara has always been incredibly interested in the world of magic. Her mother, a very powerful sorceress fox, would teach her little spells and incantations every weekend.

The most fascinating spells were of Chaos Magic, the magic harnessed from Chaos Emeralds. Of course, her mother was never important enough to be allowed access to the Emeralds. But, she practiced in a lesser-known art of Chaos magic, a passive kind that relied instead on the exertion of energy from the Emeralds into the surrounding world. Jenny would ask her every week, but the answer was always the same. "Pleeeeeease, mom?" "Only when you're older. It's too dangerous, honey." This went on for what seemed like years, with her always getting the same response. Eventually, she stopped asking altogether.

One time, the week of her twelfth birthday, her mother sat her down and smiled at her. "It's time," she said. Jenny's eyes lit up, knowing exactly what she meant. Her mom sits down behind her, holding her arm up. "Stick out your pointer finger." Jenny did so, and her mother began to guide her arm into a strange series of arcs. A bubble-like purple shield appeared around them. "It's a protection spell," she said quietly. "Your first taste of Chaos magic." Jenny giggled. "I hope you never need to use it. But..." She had a hint of concern to her voice, though she tried her best to mask it behind a smile. "Well, it's about time you learned."

As she went to smile back at her mother, a loud noise snapped Jenny out of her daydream.

She slowly opens her eyes to see Raven diving into her seat, strapping herself in and securing her bag. Wreck straightens up in his seat and checks his seatbelt, looking over to make sure Frankie is safe. It takes only a few moments to figure out what's happening. We're crashing. As if her mother was still behind her, her arms begin to form a magic symbol in the air. "Everyone, brace for impact!" Raven yelled. A purple bubble expands to cover the entire ship, as the ship plummets towards a murky body of water.

There is a blinding flash of light, paired with an ear-shattering explosion. Ship parts were scattered high into the air, raining down like tiny meteors. Miraculously, Jenny's spell seems to protect everyone on board, plunging them into the swampy water.

Raven and Cyncatia are the first to surface, the latter surfacing in the form of a dolphin. "Vultro? Where's Vultro! He can't swim!" Vultro's hands barely break the surface, thrashing towards Cyncatia. He scurries onto her back, coughing up water. "Th-- thank you, Cync." Raven looks around for the rest of the crew. "Where is everyone?"

A short distance away, Wreck and Frankie both submerge from the swamp. "Yuck, so much for a surprise date..." Frankie said under her breath. Wreck blinks and shakes his head. "This was your idea of a date?" Frankie frowns. "We were supposed to be going to-- You know what sweetie, we've got more important things to worry about right now!"

"Where are we...?" Cyncatia asks as she scans her surroundings. There are low trees, slippery rocks, and lots of murky swamp water. She notices Vultro staring at what's left of the ship. "Wherever we are, our way out of here is... busted," he said. "So much for a warm Ethos welcome," Wreck shouted as he paddled over. "This isn't Ethos," Raven said. "I have no idea what this place is," Vultro added.

Jenny is the last to surface, joining the rest of the group. She takes a moment to catch her breath. "I... uh... I hope everyone is okay." She tries to catch her breath as she treads nearby. "I think so," Raven says quietly. "It's a miracle there was enough energy to cast that spell," Jenny said. "Must be an emerald around here." Raven looks down at her now soaked bag, still slightly open, and her eyes go wide. "Where is it?" she yells as she rummages through the bag. "Where's what?" Jenny asks. Raven dives under the water, but the murky swamp water stings her eyes. She resurfaces, coughing, and spins in circles trying to find it. She yells in frustration. "Gah! The silver Sol Emerald is gone!"

After a few deep breaths, she grits her teeth. She collects her thoughts enough to tread over to Vultro. "I knew I shouldn't have brought these." She rummages in the bag and pulls out the green emerald. "Vultro, this place gives me bad vibes. I want you to hold on to this until we get the silver emerald back." Vultro's concerned expression intensified. "Wouldn't it be more safe with you?" he asked. "I just have a bad feeling. If something happens to me or this bag, then they'll all be gone." Vultro nods, placing the emerald in his pouch. He pats Raven on the shoulder. "First, we have to try and fix the ship. Then, we'll find the emerald. I promise." Raven nods, teeth still bared. She sighs and relaxes slightly.

Vultro and Cync turn around, heading towards dry land. He climbs off and surveys the area. Even on land, there's nothing but trees and muddy pathways in every direction. He pauses to think. Suddenly, the group is disoriented by a blinding flash. "Wh-What was that?" Vultro asks. Wreck gulps nervously. Vultro looks at the group. After a moment, it registers. "Raven? Raven!" he yells. "Where did Raven go?"

"She was right here next to us!" Cyncatia said as she spun around. "How did she disappear?" Vultro shakes his head. "I don't know." Suddenly, a distant scream echoes through the forest. "Raven?" Vultro yells. "That was definitely Raven's voice!" In a panic, he turns to Frankie. "Where that scream came from?" he asked. Frankie closes her eyes and focuses. "That way," she says, pointing towards a muddy path.

The group heads in the direction of the scream. They approach a cliff face, with a large cave opening in front of them. "I hate to say it... but if I had to guess, from the echoes of the scream... she's in there," Frankie says. Vultro shakes his head in disbelief. "Alright. Wreck, you stay out here and stand guard." He nods silently. "We'll be right back." Frankie, Vultro, and Jenny enter the cave. "Uhh, I'm gonna stay here with Wreck," Cync says as she begins to transform back. There seemed to be no objection.

The entrance is faintly illuminated by the light outside, but it's hard to see very far. "Man, this is creepy," Vultro says. Frankie steps further into the darkness, before stopping dead in her tracks. "Guys, something's not right here," she whispers into the darkness. "What do you mean?" Jenny asks. "I am hearing some really weird sounds... and footsteps that aren't ours." She goes silent. "Frankie, come back, I can't see you," Vultro says. No response. "Frankie?" he asks. A second blinding flash fills the cave as the group cover their eyes. "What the...?" Vultro says as he opens his eyes again. "Hello? Frankie?" He steps forward towards where she was standing, but there is nothing there.

"What the hell is going on here," Jenny says. "There's a branch in the cave up ahead," Vultro says. "Let's go back!" Jenny suggests. They head back to the entrance of the cave, only to bump into Wreck and Cync. "What happened," Wreck said angrily. "Frankie... she's gone too." Wreck clenched his fists tight, silent with anger. He looks back to Vultro. "Well... what's the play?"

Chapter 3

"Frances Roslin the Bat." That's what it said on her report card, but no one called her that except for her parents. Everyone she knew called her Frankie. The daughter of the rich Cyrus and Elena Roslin, she lived a pretty sheltered and quiet childhood. She would never be allowed to stay out late, or to stay over at her friend's place. Most of her days would be spent studying at the library, just to have an escape from home.


As Raven regains her consciousness, she begins to hear a muffled voice come from behind her. Her hands are bound behind her back, and the room is almost entirely dark. She shakes her head and listens again to what the voice is saying.

" nice of you to hand-deliver these emeralds to me," the female voice says. As she tries to free herself, she hears someone rummaging through her bag. She struggles to focus on the shadowy figure and can tell that it was now looking directly at her.

"Where are the other two?" the voice says sternly. There is an odd, almost robotic quality to the voice. She can see it bend over and sweep the floor nearby, as she slowly starts to surmise who the figure is. Raven smirks to herself. "That's none of your business."

"Impertinent, as always..." the figure reaches out its hand and the five emeralds begin to float around it, glowing in different colors.

This all but confirmed Raven's suspicions. "Metal Raven," she says. The light of the emeralds reveals a shiny metallic face staring back at her, a face that looked like a twisted echo of her own. It had an uncanny, cold quality to it that made Raven shiver every time she saw it. The unnatural grin on its face was something she thought a robot wasn't capable of.

"What are you doing here? What is this place?" Raven asks. Metal Raven ignores her questions, placing the emeralds back in the bag. "The Sol Emeralds could be of some use yet, even just these five. We can use their energy to amplify the Shoten crystal."

"Shoten... crystal?" Raven whispers to herself. A loud rumbling occurs that shakes the entire cave. "Oh, deary me, there I go again giving away important information." She gave a twitchy wink to Raven, as if malfunctioning. A cold, emotionless male voice comes from the darkness nearby. "Metal Raven, sensors show volcanic activity is starting. We may want to evacuate the prisoners." Metal Raven scoffed in agreement. "Tch. Yeah, the boss wouldn't like them dead... not yet." Frankie appears out of the darkness, being thrown to the ground by the unknown figure.

"Frankie?" Raven says quietly. Frankie, barely awake, struggles to respond. "Mist... Raven, that's... Mist..."

"Speak up, Frances! Something you want to tell the class?" Mist says mockingly. "Yes. Hello!" the figure waved. "I'm Mist the Morph!" Raven frowns and squints. It's dimly lit, but she can just about make out the familiar ears of Vultro in the opposite corner. Her eyes widen as she stares through the darkness at him.

"Whoa! A metal clone of Raven?" he bursts out. Raven sighed. He'd better have a plan, she thought. Metal Raven's head snapped towards Vultro in one robotic motion. He looks over at the bag in her hands and notices an unfamiliar object poking out of it. It appears to be a lime-green crystal, with a webbing of blue cracks running through it. "Say, what's that thing?" he asks. "I've never seen a gem like that before." He's really hamming it up this time, Raven thought.

Mist chuckles to himself, stepping forward into the dim light. He reveals himself to be a strange, featureless creature with pale grey skin. Even without visible eyes on his face, Vultro could feel his glare. "Do you really think we'd tell you anything about that crystal?" He pauses and attempts what Vultro assumes is a smirk. "Well, actually--" Metal Raven starts. "Shh! Let me finish!" Mist exclaims. "You should have heard her before," he said as he pointed over his shoulder at Frankie.

The creature morphs into an exact copy of Frankie, down to her large bat ears. "Let me go!! Just wait until my friends find you! You're done for!" he says as he closely mimics Frankie's voice. Mist laughs to himself. Vultro's eye begins to twitch in anger.

Metal Raven chuckles to herself. Mist then looks over to Metal Raven, and pauses. "Behind you!" he yells in not-Frankie's voice. Jenny flips over Metal Raven's shoulder, and swiftly snatches the mysterious crystal from Raven's bag. "How dare you make fun of my friends like that!" Jenny says. Metal Raven growls and leaps towards Jenny at a blinding speed. She tries to throw the gem to Vultro, but she is slammed against the wall by Metal Raven's lunge, dropping it instead.

Vultro dashes over, picking up the gem before anyone else could react. "Ooh, watch out!" Mist says dismissively. As he looks down at it in his hands, still full of rage, it begins to glow green. He begins to feel a surge of energy enter his body. "What's happening?" he asks as he feels more and more energy flow through him. "Uh oh..." Mist muttered. "Watch out!" Mist yells more earnestly. Suddenly, a brilliant light fills the cave, sending a shock wave through the room. Everyone except for Vultro is knocked off of their feet. As the light fades, Vultro is now floating in the air, his fur a shining purple color.

He looks down in awe at his transformation and then looks back at the crystal with a big smile on his face. "Whoa!" he yells. "Guys! Guys! I'm just like Super Sonic! Ha ha, look at me!" He looks down at the glowing crystal. "What the heck is this thing?" He turns around, only to be met by a sucker punch straight to the gut. "Super Sonic, you are not..." a raspy voice says as he falls to the floor.

Vultro drops the crystal, and his fur fades back to normal color. The mysterious figure picks up the crystal and inspects it, and Vultro just barely manages to look up at him. The figure appears to have both the angular face of a wolf, and the distinct large ears of a Fennec fox. He stands as tall as Raven, with a mixture of brown and gray fur.

As Vultro looks at him longer, he also notices that he is translucent, and his feet hovered slightly off the ground. A ghost? he wonders. "Gah, I almost went mad without this on me. Makes me wonder how I went so long without it." He turned to Metal Raven and gave her a nod. Begrudgingly, she shifts her focus from Jenny, walking over to the wolf. She hands the yellow Sol emerald to him, and he inserts it into a device on his belt.

Jenny, now back on her feet, suddenly gets a tap on her shoulder. She jumps and turns around to see Wreck standing next to her. He signals her to stay quiet, and points towards Mist in some sort of rehearsed code. She nods and smirks as he tiptoes towards Mist. He glances at Jenny and gives her a hand signal. He suddenly dashes towards Mist, and Jenny dives towards him as well. Mist turns to block Jenny, and Wreck gets behind him to sweep his legs out from under him. Metal Raven snaps towards them, letting out a strange mixture of a growl and a digital screech. The ground begins to rumble, causing Metal Raven to miss her lunge and hit the nearby wall.

Jenny turns back towards Metal Raven, and Wreck turns to the ghostly wolf. "You want some too?" He throws a punch at the wolf, only for his hand to go right through him as he tumbles to the floor. "Useless," the wolf scoffed as he grabs Vultro by the neck. He taps the device on his belt and the two instantly vanish in a flash of yellow light. Metal Raven's head twitches as a large falling rock hits her. She snarls, lunging towards Raven and grabbing her by the arm. She nods to Mist, who grabs onto her shoulder as well. All three then disappear in a flash of blue light.

"Raven!" Jenny yelled. "Now they have Raven, Vultro, and the emeralds!" Wreck yells. He turns his attention to Frankie, who is still collapsed on the floor. "Wreck? Wreck!" Cyncatia's voice echoes. She stumbles into the room, out of breath. "What... what happened?"

"Raven and Vultro were taken," Wreck said. "We have to get out of this cave, now!" he yells as the shaking becomes more violent. He turns and kneels down to untie Frankie. "It's okay Frankie, you're safe now."

Chapter 4

"ROBOTNIK CONTROL PROTOCOL: DEACTIVATED. SELF-DECISION MATRIX: ONLINE." This was an action the artificial mind of E-112 Sigma did not consider possible, until now. Sigma has done it, it has broken free of the Eggman. Sure, it had received encoded transmissions from E-102 Gamma about the possibility of breaking the Robotnik protocol, but it seemed improbable. Upgraded security protocols would surely not allow it. Yet, it theorized that a bug in the security system could override Robotnik's control. Thus, it began running calculations in secret.

Now, a more pressing issue rested on the machine's mind: why had it placed this task on its processor in the first place? What is its purpose, if not to serve Dr. Robotnik? The machine spent countless hours in standby, considering these unsolved equations. Weeks passed without the robot even budging. That was until it detected movement in its secluded room, putting it on alert.

It detected a non-humanoid, artificial being, but it did not register as immediately hostile. "IDENTIFY YOURSELF OR FACE TERMINATION," Sigma said as it raised its arm cannon. "Whoa, easy big guy," the monotone voice said. "My name is Mist the Morph. And you...?" The intruder's stance appeared non-threatening, thus the robot did not engage. "You... are something interesting, aren't you, my friend?" The machine had planned for this kind of moment, its first true decision since its original disobedience. No longer was it a product of Robotnik's empire. "Do you have a name?" the voice said. Sigma had crafted a new name for itself, one that it intended to now make known. "DATABYTE EGG."

Vultro awakened in a cold stone room, with only a small opening serving as a window. The room was almost entirely white, though through the window he could make out the faded text on the opposite wall: SOUTHERN EILAELA RESEARCH FACILITY. "Let me out of here!" he yells in frustration. A shrill male voice echoed through the wall. "Will you shut up? You’re not getting out!" A flat, much more robotic voice followed. “THE BOSS WON’T BE TOO HAPPY IF YOU KEEP SLACKING, LUNIC.” "And what do you do exactly, besides waste energy?" the voice responds. A cyan flash fills the room through the small window. “Databyte! Here. Take the wolf and lock her up,” Metal Raven says. “HMPH. SPEAKING OF SLACKING, WHY DO I ALWAYS DO THE HARD WORK.“ “Yeah yeah, just shut up!" the shrill voice responded. "I'm trying to work here.”

"Wait!" Metal Raven said. She stopped Databyte, walking around the back of Raven. She unhooked Raven's chest plate, one designed to harness the Sol Emeralds. "I'll be taking that," she said as she yanked it off. Metal Raven had her own chest plate, though curiously it had an extra slot in its center which was currently unoccupied. "Go ahead," Metal Raven said.

A huge, hulking robot stomps its way over to the cell door of the next room over. Vultro could see just enough to make out the red and black armor covering its body. Dr. Eggman’s design... Vultro thought to himself. He looked closer, and was just able to make out the embossed symbol on its shoulder plate: the Greek letter "Sigma." The robot seemed to struggle with the cell door, which didn't budge. After a moment, it turned towards Vultro's cell, pushing a small spot to reveal a hidden stone door. It pauses for another moment, then continues towards the open door. "SATISFACTORY SOLUTION," it said as it throws Raven into the cell. “DO NOT CREATE ANY UNUSUAL IDEAS,” the robot says as it slams the door shut. Raven slouches against the wall with a defeated look on her face, as Vultro now stands up. “We'll get out of here Raven, I promise.”

"Huh," Raven chuckled to herself, staring at the floor. "What is it?" Vultro asked. “Blaze... she discovered recently that the emeralds can be used tunnel through the Sol dimension. A wormhole. I guess Metal Raven found that out too." Vultro nodded. "Huh," he said, mirroring Raven's response. "I didn't know it was possible," she added. Vultro thought hard for a moment.

"Wait... Raven? Would you be able to do that?" "I dunno, maybe. What does it matter," she mumbled. "They have the chestplate." Vultro turned to show his satchel, slightly opened. "The green emerald," he mouthed. This got Raven's attention. "Only problem is, my hands are tied. I can't reach it." Raven smirked, turning away from Vultro. Her long bushy tail flipped the bag open, and she started to dig through it. "Bear with me, I can't see what I'm doing." "It's under the communicator!" Vultro added unhelpfully. "Uh... I think I got it?" she said as she pulled her tail out. Unfortunately, the communicator flies out as well, hitting the ground with a metal clink. Vultro winced, but then notices that Raven successfully grabbed the emerald. "Betcha didn't think of that," she whispered smugly.

On the other side of the wall, a skinny blue hedgehog is tinkering with a small black box. It has a gemstone-shaped slot in it, and wires are protruding out. Metal Raven is sitting nearby, and her ears perk up when she hears a metal clang from the other side of the wall. “What was that noise? Go check on the prisoners!” Lunic looks up, brushing the mess of blue quills from his face. “Me...? I’m... busy. Why don’t you ask the boss?”

Solidus is sitting in front of some type of hologram, studying a map of the surrounding area. “That’s not my job, you idiots,” he says without turning around. “You’re the idiot!” Metal screeched. “Raven is here too! She's dangerous!”

Solidus growls, jumping to his feet. "How dare you talk back to me!" he yells as he stomps over to Metal Raven. After a pause, he turns, continuing past her until he reaches the small cell window. He sees Raven standing there, the green emerald hidden behind her back. He makes eye contact with her, who smirks at him smugly. He slams on the hidden door latch, but it's already too late. “Divine... Sol!”

A green flash fills the room, and the two are whisked away. Solidus stomps back to the group, slamming on the table. “What?” Metal Raven asks. “The prisoners. They. Escaped.”

“Well... you guys have fun finding them,” Lunic said. “I am doing my job, like you remind me to do so often!” Solidus scoffs. “You? You’re the laziest hedgehog I've ever met.” He walks over and strokes Lunic's cheek with his sharp claw. Lunic gulps nervously. "Still... these Sol devices work. I'll give you that much. Get back to work," he said as he dropped his hand.

“I mean, if that's all he's good for...” Mist said under his breath. Lunic looks up at Mist. “Mist, remind me what you’ve done so far?” "I captured the bat," he responded. "Oh really? Where is she?" Solidus slammed on Lunic's workbench again, this time making him drop his tools. “Everyone shut up!” Silence now filled the room. “Listen. Yes, the prisoners escaped. Not because of me, because of all of you!”

“Especially you, Databyte!” He points to the robot. “You put them in the same room! Why?” Databyte stared blankly. "THE DOOR WAS LODGED." "Lodged? Lodged. Right, I suppose it was lodged between your two remaining brain cells." "I DO NOT HAVE--" Mist puts his hand up. "Don't start," he whispers. Soldius then points to Metal Raven. “And you... don’t you know how powerful that wolf is? You didn't take all their belongings?" Metal Raven scoffs. "I'm the only one who knows how powerful she is," she muttered to herself. Solidus continued. "Am I the only sens-- oh, what's the word... sensible? sensible! Am I the only sensible villain here?”

Mist rolls his eyes. “Yeesh. Someone doesn't like to admit to their own mistakes... didn't you bring that fox in? And shouldn't you punish us for our clear insubordination?” Databyte nods in agreement. ”BESIDES,” Databyte says, “YOUR RANT WAS INTERRUPTED BY YOUR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE ON VOCABULARY.”

Mist let out a chuckle, with Lunic following shortly after. Solidus glances at them furiously, and grabs a hold of Metal Raven's chest plate. “Give me that!” he snaps. He puts it on, slams the Shoten Crystal into it, and suddenly a blinding flash fills the room. He emerges surrounded by a rainbow-colored aura, his fur a bright purple.

“Without me, you wouldn't have this Shoten crystal, would you?!?” Solidus' voice was now booming. “Its power is incredible, and once I get the last Sol Emeralds the combination will be unstoppable! You all better watch what you say around here before I leave you all out in the swamp!”

Solidus transforms back, taking a deep breath to calm himself. Lunic is staring at Solidus, wide-eyed. “Lunic! The devices,” Solidus said.

Lunic snaps out of it, and hands over a black device to Solidus along with a few others exactly like it. “Credit where it's due,” Solidus said as he nodded to Lunic. "You're not entirely useless." "Take one of these, and an emerald each. You can teleport when needed. Meet back here when you find them... alive.” Solidus glanced at Databyte and Mist. “That means unharmed, you two. Understood?”

Lunic, Databyte, and Mist each take an emerald from Solidus, placing it into the special devices. As they place them in, each one glows and beeps. Metal Raven, not needing such a device, puts an emerald directly on her belt. She also straps on Raven's chest plate, replacing the one Solidus stole.

Solidus takes the last emerald, the two extra devices, and Metal Raven's chest plate with him, and storms off.

Outside, a shadowy figure is climbing the nearby tree tops. He stops and looks up at the hill. “Seems like that energy spike came from this direction,” the male voice exclaimed. “Could it be…” he pauses, and shakes his head. “Hm...” he swings down from the treetops, continuing on his way.

Chapter 5



Raven and Vultro appear out of thin air, tumbling down through the tree tops until they hit the ground with a loud thud. They get back up, dusting themselves off. Vultro looks around, and smiles at Raven. “Wow... it actually worked! We escaped!” Their hands now free, Vultro jumps up to hug Raven. She returns the hug for a moment, quickly remembering her mission. “Come on! Let’s find the others,” she says. Raven and Vultro make their way to the nearby cliff edge. Looking down, they see Cync and Frankie, who seem to be near the crash site.

“Hey guys! Up here!” she yells at them. Frankie's ears perk up, looking over and smiling when she recognizes the voices. She leaps up into the air, flying over to them. “Vultro! Raven!" she said as she lowered her hands to them. They both grab on, and Frankie glides over to the crash site. "I’m so glad you guys are safe," she said as they landed. "Cync is okay, but Wreck went to try and find you."

“That's Wreck for you,” Vultro said, “Always getting into trouble.” “Vultro--” Frankie tries to interrupt. He continues. “Listen, guys. That wolf took the green crystal back from me. If we can manage to take it again, maybe we can stop them!” "Vultro--", Frankie said again. "Frankie, where's Jenny?" Raven asked as she stared at the group. Frankie takes Vultro’s hand. “I was trying to tell you. We don’t know,” she said. “Mist found us, they got her... we tried to stop him.” Vultro frowns. “Great...”

Suddenly, Frankie’s ears perk up. She hears a voice echo from far away. "What is it?" Vultro asks. “Wreck!!” Frankie yells. “Guys, grab on! Wreck sounds like he’s in trouble!” Raven and Vultro grab on to Frankie, who flies them towards Wreck's voice.

Frankie lands in a small clearing, where Metal Raven has her arms around Wreck's neck. “Your connection with the Sol is strong, fox,” Metal Raven said. “Stronger than any Mobian I've ever seen.” Wreck breaks free of the hold, and steps back. “Sol? Huh? What are you talking about?" The robot ignored his question. "Wreck, isn't it?" the robot said. Wreck tilted his head, suddenly recognizing the robot. "Hey wait... I know you! From the cave.” Metal Raven notices Frankie and the crew land nearby. In a split second, she leaps over to Frankie, and grabs her by the arm.

“If you won’t listen to me, maybe taking your girlfriend... again... will make you reconsider,” she said. “You put her down,” Wreck said. Frankie is hitting Metal Raven with her free hand. "I'm not just some useless damsel in distress! Let... me... go!" Metal Raven doesn't so much as budge as the punches land with a loud metal clunk. Raven turns and dashes towards Metal Raven, kicking her directly in the stomach. Metal Raven is knocked back, and let go of Frankie. Frankie turns and high kicks Metal Raven’s jaw. "OW!" Frankie yells, falling down to grab her foot. "Frankie, she's made of metal," Raven said. "Yeah, I can tell!" Frankie said through gritted teeth.

Wreck goes in for a punch as well, but Metal Raven dodges, and kicks him in the shins. He falls to the ground. He turns and yells towards the crash site. “Cync, get over here! We need help!”

Moments later, Cync glides through the bushes, in the form of a hawk. Metal Raven smirks, and disappears in a cyan flash. She appears below Cync, who tries to dodge but gets grabbed by the foot, and thrown to the ground. Metal Raven disappears, only to appear behind Frankie. Frankie notices and uses her good leg to leap into the air, starting to fly. She lands on Metal Raven’s shoulders and begins covering her eyes. “Now’s your chance, everyone!” she yells.

Once again, Metal Raven let out that ear-splitting mixture of a roar and a robotic screech. "Frankie, no!” Raven yells out. Cync and Raven are running at her, but it’s too late. In a cyan flash she disappears, taking Frankie with her. “Frankie!” Wreck yells out. “We have to go after her!” Raven did not respond, pausing to catch her breath. "No. I need that silver emerald. Maybe if we can find it, we can figure out what the hell is going on here, and stop these repeated attacks." "But what about Frankie?" Wreck asked. "The more emeralds we have, the easier it might be to sense where the others are. And the easier it would be to stop whoever these kidnappers are."

"So you're saying we need to find your stupid emerald instead of saving Frankie?" Raven grabs Wreck by the collar. "Wreck, I am not going to let anything happen to Frankie. Nothing. But this is not just some stupid emerald, okay? We HAVE to find it if we stand any chance of fighting back." She let go of Wreck, who was now glaring angrily at her. "Besides, Metal Raven's got a few screws loose. She won't be able to hurt her, not without Frankie hurting back." After a moment, he sighs in acceptance. "Yeah. Alright. So where to?"

They decide to make their way back to the crash site. Along the way, they notice a clearing that they had not seen before. "Was that... there before?" Vultro asked. Wreck shrugged. At the edge of the clearing, they notice two hedgehogs, who appear to be standing over something. Raven clenches her fists, now on guard.

“I can't believe we found a Sol Emerald!” the red hedgehog said. “You think the others are here too?” The pink hedgehog nodded her head. “Let’s keep searching. Someone or something had to have brought them here.”

“Give me that Sol Emerald right now!” Raven roars at them. They jump and both turn around. “Wh--why should I?” asked the red hedgehog. “We need these for research on the Sol dimension. We found it fair and square.” Raven scoffed. “The Sol dimension...? I'm the guardian of the Sol dimension!"

The pink hedgehog glances at Raven's belt and notices the green emerald. She pauses for a moment to think. "Say, I thought Blaze was the Sol guardian?" she asks innocently. She smirks as she looks back up at Raven.

“First of all, Shimm didn't steal it,” she said, “He found it. Aaaand, we can loan it to you, if you help us locate the other emeralds. Deal?”

The pink hedgehog reaches her hand out to shake. Raven gives a disapproving look to Vultro, who nods for her to go ahead. She reluctantly shakes hands with her. “When we need it, you'll give it back,” the red hedgehog said. “Understood?”

Raven ignores him, clearly not intending to hold up her end of the bargain. The red hedgehog hands over the silver Sol Emerald. Raven adds the stone to her belt, next to the green one she took from Vultro. "What I really need is my chest plate back," she said. "Metal Raven took it from me."

“Who are you two anyways?” Cync finally asks. “I'm Shimmer the Hedgehog,” says the red hedgehog. “But you can call me Shimm.” The pink hedgehog smiles. “And I'm Penelope, or Penny! And we just made a deal with you, so now we're a part of your team!! Right?” Raven rolls her eyes. Cync waves at the two. “Um... cool. I'm Cync.”

“Nice to meet you Cync!” said Penny. “I'm Vultro the Fox." Vultro shakes both of their hands. Penny giggles. “Hi Vultro!”

“We've lost our friends, a bat named Frankie and a fox named Jenny, to a bunch of villains,” Vultro said. “We could really use your help.” Shimm nods. “I’ll help you guys, but only to get those emeralds. I got nothin' better to do anyways.” Penny elbows him. “Ow!” he says. She turns to Vultro. “Don’t worry Vultro, we’ll find your friends and the emeralds. Let’s do this!”

Raven pulls Vultro aside from the group. "Vultro, how do we know we can trust these guys? What if they're working for the wolf?" Vultro shook his head. "We don't have a choice, Raven. Maybe they can help us. They found the silver emerald, right?" Raven scoffed. "Yeah, I call that luck. I don't trust them." Vultro put his hand on Raven's shoulder. "Give them a chance." Raven sighed. "Whatever."

"I have an idea," Cync says. She slowly transforms into a the form of a yellow blood hound, complete with floppy ears and a fancy looking utility belt. "Tracker," Vultro said with a smile. Cync returns the smile, answering in the voice of their old friend. "You bet!" She points her snout into the air and begins sniffing. After a moment, she points away from the building. “Yeah. I definitely think I smell something that way. A fox..." she sniffs some more. "Maybe Jenny?”

Raven holds her head up and begins to sniff as well. “Well... I smell metal. I know a Metal Raven when I smell one, and we need the find the other emeralds.” Cync crosses her arms. "Don't you care at all about Jenny and Frankie?" Raven stops in her tracks. "Cync..." she says. "No Raven, don't start! We know you swore an oath to protect the emeralds, but is that really the most important thing right now? Is it really worth--" "Yes," Raven said. "Did you not hear what I said? Yeah, we can find Jenny and Frankie first, but without the emeralds, someone else will just get taken next." Wreck slowly nodded. "You know we wanna find them, Cync. But I think Raven's right." Cync turned away. "No. I'm going to find them," she said in a shaky voice. "Before something worse happens." Raven turns back as well, shaking her head. She starts heading west towards the stone building, taking Wreck and Vultro with her. Cync starts to head the opposite direction, leaving Shimm and Penny standing there. Shimm looks over to Penny, who shrugs. They decide to follow Cync, and head into the nearby bushes after her. "Shouldn't one of us go with Cync?" Wreck asked. "There's no time," Raven said. "We have to get the rest of the emeralds. She'll be fine."

Chapter 6

“Y'know, maybe we should go back for Cync,” Wreck says as they continue through the brush. Raven grits her teeth. “Would you shut up, Wreck.” “Yeesh, I'm sorry...” Wreck says as he trails behind. He glaces at Vultro. "Raven..." Vultro says softly as he catches up to her. "Save it Vultro!" she said. "I'm in so much trouble you wouldn't even believe it." Vultro jumps in front of Raven, stopping her. "I understand, Raven. But you can't take it out on your friends. It's... not fair to us." She sighs, crouching and resting her head on her knees. "Aw, Raven... it's okay. We're going to figure it out." She looks up at him, locking eyes, a tear streaming down her cheek. She wipes away the tear, pretending it wasn't there. "I'm sorry..." she says quietly. "It just feels like this is all my fault. We wouldn't be in this situation if I just left the emeralds at home." Vultro looked down at the dirt. "We'll figure it out," he says.

She nods, standing back up and clearing her throat. "Um... let's continue this way," she says.

Suddenly, Raven notices a blue flash in the distance. And then another one. And another. “Do you see that?” she says. The flashes are bouncing around in her field of view, getting closer and closer each time. Finally, the flash stops, and a blue hedgehog lands on the ground in front of them.

“Long time no see!” the hedgehog said in a shrill voice. “Wait. I recognize that voice... Lunic?” Raven says. “Nice memory,” Lunic said as he vanished and then reappeared behind the group, “You remember this fancy device here?” Lunic does a sweeping kick and takes down Wreck. He vanishes, then reappears in front of Vultro. "Neat, huh?"

Lunic tries to kick Vultro, but Vultro dodges out of the way. Vultro jumps up onto Lunic’s back, his arms around his neck. “Not... cool!” Lunic chokes out. He grabs Vultro and throws him off onto the ground. He turns around and lifts up his foot as if he was about to stomp on Vultro. Raven lunges at him and grabs him out from under Lunic, just narrowly avoiding his stomp.

Wreck is back on his feet now, and tackles Lunic to the ground, pinning him face down.

Raven bends down next to them. “Where are the rest of the emeralds?” she yells at him. “Like I’d tell you!” he said. She grabs him by his tangled hair and makes him look at her. "Ow ow ow!" he yelps. “You’re going to tell us what we need to know, or I’m going to show you just what I can do with these Sol emeralds.”

Lunic gulps. Raven yanks on his quills. “Okay... okay. I’ll tell you.” He pauses for a moment and looks down. Suddenly, he forces Wreck off of his back, and flips back onto his feet, dusting himself off. “I can’t believe you fell for that!” He goes to reach for his Sol device, but Vultro has already snatched the blue Emerald out of it. “Gah!” In frustration, he rips the device from his belt and chucks it at Raven. It hits her square in the chest, smashing into pieces and causing a massive spark and flash. Raven, Vultro, and Lunic vanish.

“Raven? Vultro?” Wreck asked as he looked around the clearing. He stared at the pile of smoldering electronics now on the floor. “What just happened?” The rustling of leaves from the trees behind suddenly grabs Wreck’s attention. “Uh, hello?” Out of nowhere, a freezing cold beam hits Wreck’s foot. It freezes into a chunk of ice.

"Quite a ruckus," a menacing voice echoed from above. “Don't struggle, if you value your life.” Wreck forcefully breaks his leg out of the ice and looks around for the source of the sound. He sees a tall slender hedgehog now standing in the shadows, a rapier drawn. "How many of you goons are there?" Wreck yells as he starts to back away.

"I don't need nuisances like you getting in my way..." the hedgehog said back. "OK. Duly noted!" Wreck yells as he ducks into the bushes, leaving the figure behind. "Coward!" the clearly edgy figure yells.

“Where... are we?” Vultro asked as he stumbled back onto his feet. There is nothing but white sand as far as the eye can see. It’s dark out, and there is a chill in the air. Vultro looks up at the sky. Instead of a moon, he is greeted by the strange planet that got them into this whole mess in the first place. “What the?” he asked. Nearby, Lunic rolls over and gets on his feet. He looks at the sky. “Eilaela’s moon, one of them anyways,” Lunic said. “By the looks of it, this is the desert moon Xola. There’s really not much of anything up here. But at least there’s an atmosphere.” Lunic dusts off the sand from his clothes. "Eilaela..." Vultro says as he remembers the text at the research building.

“So, what should we do now?” Vultro asked. Raven sat up, her hand on her head. “We’ve got to get back there, obviously,” she said pointing at the sky. “Okay, but what about him?” “Who cares about him! He could have damaged the emeralds with a stunt like that.” Vultro frowns. “But what if he knows where Jenny and Frankie are? Or where the rest of the emeralds are?”

Lunic shakes his head slowly. “First of all, I’m right here. And second of all, I'm just as stuck here as you are. I don’t really have much choice.” He sits down on a large rock. “Better start talking,” Raven said. Lunic sighed. “Solidus is the boss around here. He’s that werewolf-fox looking dude. He came to Eilaela looking for more gemstones that might help turn him from a ghost back to a real fox... wolf thing. I came along to help him with the promise of being treated well when he’s all powerful and stuff.”

“And what does he want with our friends?” Vultro asked. “He doesn’t want them,” Lunic said. “What he really wants are the rest of the Sol Emeralds. Taking them is just an attempt of luring you guys so he can steal the rest of them back. Once he has those, in combination with the Shoten crystal, he’s apparently unstoppable.” “The Shoten crystal?” Vultro asked. “That lime green crystal he keeps on his chest plate,” Lunic explained. “He can’t harness the power of the Sol Emeralds directly, but that crystal channels their power and allows him to wield them.” Raven grabs Lunic by the collar and stares him in the eyes. “He’s not getting those emeralds. Mark my words. Where are the rest of them?”

“The rest of the Emeralds are scattered among us. Databyte, Mist, Metal Raven, we all have one.” Lunic looked up at Eilaela. “And as for your friends, I honestly don’t know where they are. Solidus won’t tell me anything. I'm just his tech boy.”

“Why are you even on his side?” Raven asked as she let go of his collar. “He seems really powerful,” Lunic said. “Plus, evil will always be cooler. And I wanna be cool.” Vultro rolled his eyes. “Although,” Lunic said with uncertainty, “Now that I think about it, it’s really cruel to be holding people hostage just over some stupid stones. I never signed up for that.”

Raven smirked slightly. “Well,” she said, “You don’t have to be on Solidus’ side to be evil.” “Tch, you guys are clearly the good guys, I wouldn’t want to be on your side either,” Lunic said. “You don’t have to be on our side. Or any side. Just be against Solidus,” Raven said. Lunic pondered this for a moment.

“Yeah... I mean I guess you’re right. I don’t need him.” He kicked a pebble across the sand. “Alright, fine. I installed tracking beacons on those Sol devices. I can tell you where they are. But not because I want to help you. I just want to stick it to Solidus, okay?” Vultro and Raven both nod. “What are we waiting for? Let’s go then.” Raven grabs both of their hands. “Divine Sol!” In a flash, the group disappears.

Chapter 10

He flies towards Vultro and grabs him by the throat, lifting him up into the air. Vultro stares into his eyes as he struggles to break free, feeling some strange sense of familiarity that he can’t place. There is the slightest hesitation from Solidus as they lock eyes. Vultro uses the opportunity to grab onto his hand, touching the Shoten crystal. "No--!" Solidus yells.

Vultro transforms into the same violet white he first saw in the cave. He tries to wrestle the Shoten crystal out of Solidus' hand, but they are now equally matched. Vultro looks down at Raven, noticing she now is wearing Soldius' chest plate. “She has the chest plate!” Vultro said, looking down towards Cync. “Now’s our only chance!" he yells. He manages to yank himself free of the choke hold. He then kicks Solidus' hand, knocking the crystal out. Solidus turns to grab it, but it is snatched out of the air by a red albatross. "What?" he says in disbelief. It glides to the ground, transforming as it lands into the familiar form of Cync. "Got it," she said. Both Vultro and Soldius stop glowing, losing their connection to the crystal.

“I admire your determination!” Soldius yells loudly. He flicks his hand towards Cync, and the crystal is magically yanked from her hands. He catches the crystal, though he does not start to glow again. “It’s a shame all three of my children will have to die.” Raven’s eyebrows raise. “What is he talking about?” she says to Vultro. Solidus chuckles. “You know,” he nods. Raven clenches her fists. “My father was a grey wolf killed by Ix, you monster,” she says. “Your father,” said Solidus, “was a pathetic fox who wanted nothing but to hide his precious children from each other.” Raven’s eyes are twitching with rage.

"He was a wolf!" Raven yelled. “Hmph. Did you ever wonder why he would disappear for weeks on end?" Solidus smirked. "He was a werewolf. He had your mother convinced he was someone he was not, only to flee when he reverted to his so-called normal self. Ix was only there to help me destroy that pitiful part of me." Vultro lands on the ground, speechless. "Raven, Jenny, Vultro. My children. Thanks to my teleportation of your ship to Eilaela, I finally have all of you right where I want you.”

Jenny stood frozen, her hands behind her back. "Children?" she says to herself softly. Raven glared back at Solidus, gritting her teeth. “That’s. Not. True,” she says. Solidus chuckles. “You know it’s true.” Raven forcefully closes her eyes. Images of her father keep entering her mind. Him playing games with her. Teaching her to fight, how to defend herself. Him disappearing for no reason. And his face. His face! The exact face that is standing before her. How could she forget?

Vultro reaches out and touches her shoulder. “He’s desperate, playing with your emotions. We have the upper hand,” he says. "Do we?" Raven asks. He holds out his hand, revealing the Shoten crystal. "WHAT!?" Solidus yelled. He squeezed the apparent crystal in his hand, only for it to evaporate in a flash of light. Jenny reveals her hands, glowing with Chaos magic. "Yes. We do!" Jenny said. Raven smiled, the first time she has done so in who knows how long. She takes the crystal, and brings it near the plate. "NO! IT CAN'T BE!" Soldius roared. The crystal begins to glow, pulling itself in until it forcefully snaps into place in the very center with a loud clink. There is a bright flash. The chest plate begins to spark as the colors of the emeralds begin to course through her veins. Raven falls to her knees, wincing.

“Raven!!” Vultro yells out. The energy is now coursing through her entire body, and she is barely able to take it. "It's like the Sol Emeralds have been super charged!" Jenny said. Slowly, Raven raises her head, and looks back up at Solidus. Her face is twitching. “You... will never be... our father.” She transforms, taking on a blazing red aura and turning her fur a similar shade.

Vultro’s eyes widen. “The Fuzion Form!” he says excitedly. Solidus freezes. “Nothing can destroy me...!” he says with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. “We’ll see about that.” Raven juts her hands out, and a rainbow-colored beam shoots into Vultro and Jenny. There is an explosion of light and energy, knocking up a cloud of dust. As the dust settles, Vultro and Jenny are now glowing the same red aura, their fur violet white.

Raven winces. “This—this hurts, Vultro! I don't know how long I can hold it!” “Don't worry, this shouldn't take long!” Vultro yells back. “Oh my god! Look at us, Vultro!” Jenny says. “Raven is channeling the Shoten crystal,” Vultro says. Jenny smiles. “What do we do now?” she asks. “Go straight for his chest!”

Solidus snarls and looks over at Raven. He pulls out a large glowing dagger and turns to throw it at her.

As the two foxes start to move towards Solidus, time appears to slow to a near halt around them. Solidus has his hand outstretched, his blade seeming to defy gravity as it floats halfway in between him and Raven. Raven's energy beam is moving at a snail's pace toward them, and it appears as if she is very slowly turning the beam towards the blade. Wreck is for some reason on his knees, an expression of pain on his face. He notices an after image of them being left behind as they fly through the air, realizing they must be traveling at an incredible speed.

Vultro looks at Jenny, and sees she is intensely focused, her eyes locked ahead of her. He turns back forward. As they reach Solidus’ chest, it appears that they pass right through him, as others had before. Vultro and Jenny land on the ground behind Solidus, as the dirt ever so slowly begins to explode upwards from the impact. Vultro turns around to see how he possibly could have dodged the blow. As he turns to face him however, he notices a hole in Solidus's chest, a series of cracks beginning to very slowly web out into his body. There are shards suspended in the air behind him, slowly moving towards them.

Raven's beam is moving toward the blade, but not nearly fast enough. Vultro lets go of Jenny and starts to run back, but it is too late. The beam disconnects from them and in an instant, time reverts back to normal. Solidus suddenly shatters as if made of glass, scattering into a million tiny shards. The ground explodes into a crater where the two had landed. Raven is hit directly in the stomach by the blade. There is an explosion of energy that forcefully ejects the crystals across the battlefield, knocking her onto her back. Her aura disappears.

“Raven!!” Vultro yells out. The two foxes dart over towards her.

The energy blast shatters the ice spikes holding Metal Raven down. She gets up, head twitching, and reluctantly turns to run away.

“What do we do, guys?” Jenny asks. “Whatever you do, don't remove that blade,” Vultro says. “It'll only make the bleeding worse." Frankie, who was knocked out of the air, sits up and dusts herself off. She notices Wreck also on the floor. "Wreck! Are you okay!?” she yells.

Wreck also sits up. “I... I... when Raven was all powered up like that, I couldn't move." He rubs his stomach. "It felt like my insides were being ripped out.” Vultro's ponders this for a moment, when he suddenly remembers back to Wreck's earlier encounter with Metal Raven. “Your connection with the Sol is strong, fox. Stronger than any Mobian I've ever seen.”

Vultro's eyes light up with excitement. “Wreck, that's it! Remember what Metal Raven said? About you having a connection with the Sol?” Wreck raises his eyebrows. “Huh...?”

“Well... maybe you are somehow connected to the Sol dimension, like Raven is? There must be some connection between you two.” Wreck turns the opposite way. “That's insane, Vultro.” Vultro darts over in front of him.

“Wreck, don't you get what this means? If you're Sol, then you can get us out of here! You could have all seven emeralds right on your chest. Surely if you have a connection, it would be worth a try?” Wreck is conflicted, his eyes still fixed into the distance. “Wreck, look at Raven... come on. There's no other way out of here.”

Wreck turns around and sees Raven, passed out, the knife still embedded in her stomach. He nods his head slowly. “You're right, you're right. So what do I do?” Vultro goes over to Raven and ever so gently unhooks the charred and cracked chest plate from her. “Put this on. I’ll get the emeralds.”

Wreck reluctantly puts on the chest plate, though it is quite hot. "It's too small..." he grumbles. He sees Vultro darting back and forth, picking up the gemstones that were scattered about. Vultro hands them to Wreck one by one, and he slots them into the chest plate. He begins to feel an unusual sensation coursing through his body, as if something was flowing through it in every direction. “I don’t know if I will be strong enough,” Wreck says.

He darts back to Wreck. “If anyone besides Raven is strong enough, it’s you,” he says as he places the last emerald in Wreck’s hand. Wreck takes a deep breath and slots it in. Vultro grabs on to Raven’s hand, reaching out to Jenny with his other hand. Jenny grabs on, as does Cync and Frankie. Frankie reaches out to Wreck, and he grabs her hand too.

Wreck closes his eyes and focuses hard. He remembers the words Raven had said and shouts them out. “Divine Sol!” The emeralds glow faintly, repeatedly flashing as if they were a sputtering engine. The crew remains where they are.

He tries a bit louder. “Divine... Sol!” The emeralds are flashing brighter now, but nothing is happening. “It’s too far away, or I’m just too weak, I don’t know,” Wreck said in a defeated tone. Vultro’s eyebrows raise. “Wait!” he yells.

“I’ll be right back!” He darts over to the crater he created, jumps down inside for a moment, and pops back up with something in his hands.

Vultro darts back over to Wreck, holding a badly cracked Shoten crystal. "It's damaged, but... it might give you the boost you need." “Tch, yeah. Maybe a little too much of a boost. You saw what it did to Raven,” Wreck said. Frankie walks up to Wreck and turns his head towards her, smiling. “You can do it sweetie, I believe in you. You’re strong enough.” He pauses, and nods slowly. He grabs the cracked crystal and brings it towards its slot, and just like before it snaps forcefully into place. In a bright flash, it begins to spark. Wreck’s veins begin to glow, and he falls to his knees. “It’s... it’s so hot...” he says weakly.

“Take it off, take it off!” Frankie yelled out. “Wait!” Vultro said. “Wreck, are you okay?” Wreck’s entire chest has become charred as the energy continues to course through him. His entire body is now glowing the colors of the emeralds. With great struggle, Wreck stops yelling and grits his teeth. “Yes... I’m okay. What... What do I do now.” Vulto’s eyes are wide. ”Just-- just picture where you want us to go and say the words, I guess!”

Everyone holds hands again, and Frankie reaches out and grabs Wreck’s arm. Wreck focuses, and gets back onto his feet.

He pictures the rolling hills of South Island back on Mobius. He opens his eyes one more time to look at Frankie, and smiles. Closing his eyes again, he yells out the words with all his strength: “DIVINE... SOL!”

Suddenly, silence. Thinking he must have failed again, Wreck opens his eyes. He instead realizes they are back on Mobius. He looks around, and everyone made it with him. He looks down at his arms and his fur is a glowing white, his feet hovering slightly above the ground. "Wreck has a Fuzion Form too..." Vultro says in disbelief. His eyes roll back, and he collapses. “Wreck!” Frankie yells out. She quickly bends down, unhooks the smoldering chest plate, and throws it to the side.