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User:Er1c1996/Sandbox/Story:Scringus and Jafar

< User:Er1c1996‎ | Sandbox
Revision as of 15:18, 12 December 2020 by Er1c1996 (talk | contribs)

This is a direct archive of a two part multiplayer AI Dungeon story with my friend that occurred on 12/9/2020 and 12/11/2020.

Part 1


You are Scringus, a spy living in Chicago. You have a concealed pistol and a syringe of poison. You listen to the Russian diplomats and hear them discussing their plan: they intend to release a powerful biological agent throughout the city's water supply at midnight. This will kill millions of people.

> You decide that you must stop them at all costs.

You take out your pistol and fire. The bullet hits the lead Russian in the head and he falls back, pulling the trigger of his gun and releasing his own round into the air as he collapses to the floor.

> You say "Well that was easy..."

Unfortunately, his finger was still partially wrapped around the trigger and he was already pulling it as he fell backwards.

> You dodge the bullet.

You quickly dive to the side and the bullet instead embeds itself into the chest of the second Russian

> You decide to call your best friend and fellow spy, Jafar.

"Jafar, I need your help! The Russians are releasing a virus into the water supply and it is set to release at midnight!"

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the Chicago Waterworks."

Scringus decides that he must meet Jafar at the Waterworks in order to team up with him.

HINT: Jafar is much stronger than Scringus, so he should be the one to complete the actual infiltration mission.

Jafar decides to drive to the Waterworks in a black van.

HINT: Jafar is somewhere in the city.

> You meet up with Jafar.

"Jafar, we need to stop the Russians."

"I agree."

"The Russians are at the waterworks and are planning on releasing a deadly virus into the water supply. We need to stop them."

> You decide to eat your own shoe. Because why not?

Jafar is eating his shoe.

"Why are you eating your shoe?"

"I don't know."

"Me neither."

> You shoot Scringus in the foot with a gun.

"OW! Why did you do that?"

"I don't know."

"Me neither."

The two spies sit in silence for a moment.

"Shall we go stop the Russians?

> You say "Yeah, let's stop fucking around."

Jafar and Scringus decide to stop fucking around and head to the Waterworks.

HINT: Jafar is somewhere in the city.

Scringus decides to steal a security uniform.

> You say "Before we go in, I have to tell you something."


"I slept with your wife."

"You didn't!"

"I did."

Scringus punches you in the nose, causing it to bleed profusely.

> You say "Why did I even decide to team up with you if you're just gonna insult me?"

"Because it's our destiny to stop the Russians."

The two spies enter the Waterworks.

HINT: It's dark inside, so you're going to need to turn on the lights.

> You turn on the lights.

The two spies enter the Waterworks, but it turns out to be a bad idea. The bright lights alert the guards of your presence, and they enter the room with their guns raised.

> You pull out your gun and get to cover.

You and Jafar find a hiding spot and hide. The guards investigate, but fail to find you and eventually leave the room.

> You sneak around to find the water source.

You notice a faucet labeled "Water Supply" and turn it off.

HINT: The water supply is now turned off.

> You say "So... the entire city's water supply was controlled by this one faucet?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"That seems like a design flaw."

Jafar shrugs. "I guess technology's never going to be perfect."

> You kill Scringus.

"Goodbye, Jafar."

You shoot Jafar in the head, killing him immediately.

"Now nobody can stop us."

> You revive Scringus.

You quickly revive Jafar.

"Jafar! You're alive!"

"What happened?"

"You were dead. Now you're alive."

"Thanks, I think."

> You say "Sorry I killed you."

"It's OK."

"No, really, I'm sorry. That was a dick move."

"It's fine. We need to stop the Russians."

You hear a voice over the loudspeaker.

> You say "No! Really! I'm sorry!"

Sighing, Jafar says "We need to stop the Russians."


You and Jafar leave the room and find the switchboard.

> You punch the switchboard, and ultimately break your hand.

In the process of punching the switchboard, you break your hand.

"Damn," you say.

"Let me try," says Jafar, taking your place.

Jafar tries to punch the switchboard, and accidentally punches Scringus in the stomach.


Scringus punches Jafar in the face, causing him to fall into the water control room.

"Oh no."

The Russian mob leader enters the room, and finds Scringus and Jafar.

He presses a few buttons, and water pours from the faucet.

"It's all over," he laughs.

The water fills up the room, and drowns all three of you.

> You find a way out before you drown.

You manage to get out of the room before the water fills up entirely.

"How did we lose?" you say.

"I don't know," says Jafar. "The odds were in our favor."

> You say "We have to go back in and turn the water back off."


"Because if we don't, the entire city's water supply is going to be contaminated and that'll be pretty bad."

"OK," says Jafar. "Let's go."

> You say "Wait! We need to stop somewhere first. We need to find the nearest IKEA."


"I need to buy a lamp."

"It'll have to wait," says Jafar. "We have to turn off the water supply."



> You reluctantly go back in with Jafar.

You turn the dial to stop the water supply.

"That should do it," says Jafar, satisfied.

"Should we go back to the city?"


> You jafar jumps out of the window to escape and makes a cool landing.

You jump out of the window, but fall directly onto a police car and kill yourself.

"The end," says Jafar.

> You go to Scringus's funeral.

You go to Scringus's funeral.

"He was a great man," says the priest. "And now, we commit his body to the grave."

The priest throws a handful of dirt onto his coffin.

> You say a eulogy for Scringus. Mention his hot wife.

"Scringus was a great man," you say. "His only weaknes was his love for his hot wife."

Everyone claps at your eulogy.


"Thanks," says Scringus from beyond the grave.

> You say "You're welcome."

"You're welcome."

Scringus smiles, nods, and disappears into the afterlife.

Jafar decides it's time to move on with his life and find a new spy partner. Also, steal Scringus's hot wife.

Meanwhile, you realize that you're hungry. Luckily, you saved some of your crackers earlier. You eat them.

> You choke on the cracker.

As you choke on the cracker, you think about your life. It wasn't a complete waste. At least you didn't have to partner up with Jafar again.

> You think about why Jafar was such a bad partner.

Jafar was the worst partner you ever had.

Fortunately, you got to kill him and save yourself.

Unfortunately, that was only out of self-defense.

But why was Jafar such a bad partner? Well, it's because...

Jafar was a bad partner because he had poor hygiene.

Jafar was a bad partner because his ideas were always stupid.

Jafar was a bad partner because he...

Jafar was a bad partner because he didn't let you go to IKEA. You really wanted that lamp.

You die.

> You take your last breath and go into the afterlife, and reunite with Jafar.

> You kick Jafar in the nuts one last time.

Yes! Revenge! Now... what would be a good way to go out?

Hmm... you could have one last cigarette.

Or, you could get that lamp after all.

And the moral of the story is: Don't trust Jafar.

Part 2: Lyoko

This turns out to be the prequel to Part 1.


Setting: This is the story of an alien invasion on Earth, and the people trying to stop it. Your name is Scringus, and you are a spy tasked with stopping the invasion. To do so, you must get to the main computer storing information on the invasion. Unfortunately, it is heavily defended by the aliens.

> You decide to call in your friend and mortal enemy, fellow spy Jafar.

You decide to call up your rival and mortal enemy, Jafar. If anyone can help you, it's him. You call him on your cell phone.

"Hello?" he answers.

> You say "Jafar, I need your help again"

"What is it, Scringus?"

"I need your help."

"You called me for help, and I'm busy. Spit it out, and make it quick.

Scringus asks Jafar for help on his alien invasion mission, and to save the Earth.

"You're not joking, are you? I'm really busy."

"No. It's an emergency."

"Fine. What do you need?"

> You say "I need your help... I just said that. We have to stop the alien invasion"

"Fine. I'll help you."

"Thanks, Jafar."

"No, thank you. Now, where are we going?"

"To the factory."

"What factory?

Scringus tells Jafar that they need to go to the factory to access the computer for the information about the invasion.

"The factory? We can't go there! The aliens are using it right now. It's too dangerous!"

"But we need the information in the computer."

"The library might have it.

> You say "That's a dumb idea. Let's just do what we always do and barrel into the factory. We can fight our way in."

"Fine. I'll follow you."

"Alright. Let's go!"

You and Jafar walk to the factory.

Jafar points out that there are security cameras and guards by the entrance.

"So what do we do?"

"I have an idea. Wait here."

You walk out in the open, and stand right in front of the security cameras.

> You pull out your rocket pen and fire it at the cameras.

You pull out your rocket pen and fire it at the security cameras, blowing them up.

"There. We can go."

"We don't have to deal with the guards?

> You say "Oh... that's a good point."

"Why did you blow up the cameras then?"

"An accident. Wait here. I'll be right back."

You walk out in the open again, and the guards see you.

> You jafar dons a female disguise to distract the guards.

Jafar dons a female disguise, and walks to the guards.

"Hey there!" she says flirtatiously.

The guards look at her strangely.

"What do you want?

Jafar flirts with the guards and Scringus thinks of a plan.

"So, do you like me?"

The guards say "Huh?"

Jafar puts her hand on a guard's shoulder.

"Do you want to kiss me?"

The guard says "Huh?"

> You sneak around the guards while they are distracted.

While the guards are distracted, you go around them and into the factory.

"Hey!" the guards say. "Stop! Halt, or we will shoot!"

You ignore the guards and run into the factory.

Jafar incapacitates the guards with a swift roundhouse kick.

"Is it just me, or are you a little too violent?"

"You're welcome."

"Thanks for the help."

The two of you go into the factory.

"This way,"

Jafar asks Scringus how his hot wife is doing.

"Good..." you say.

> You say "What does that have to do with the mission?"

"Nothing," Jafar says. "I was just saying that I wished my wife was as hot as yours."

"Thanks. I'll tell her you said so."

"You do that."

> You look around and try to think of a way to get to the central server room.

The place is full of bizarre equipment that you've never seen before. There are two hallways leading out of the room and lots of machines that might have something to do with computers. You can't be sure.

Jafar looks at one of the computers to try to find the central computer, but comes across alien porn.

"Wow, look at that."

> You call out Jafar, while trying to hide the fact you are also interested.

"Jafar! We don't have time to watch porn!"

"Didn't say I wanted to watch it," Jafar says. "I'm just saying, aliens are real cool.

Jafar tells Scringus that they have to split up to try to find the main computer with the invasion information.

"It's probably on the third floor. I'll go on ahead and try to find it. You stay here and try to find a back way in."

> You say "Jafar, do you want to forget about the aliens and just go Christmas shopping instead?"

"Sure," Jafar says. "I need to go buy a gift for my wife."

The two of you go Christmas shopping, and forget all about Lyoko and the whole evil alien invasion thing.

Jafar and Scringus enter a Macy's department store.

"I got fifty bucks," Jafar says. "You got anything?"

"I've got ten dollars," Scringus says. "Let's go crazy."

> You ask an employee where they keep the.

You ask a store employee where they keep the socks.

"I'll have to get a ladder to get them down for you," the employee says. "What kind did you need?

Jafar pulls out a gun on the Macy's employee.

"Shut up and go get the most expensive pair of socks you have."

"Sure," the employee says. "They're over here."

The employee leads Jafar to a shelf full of socks.

The employee points to a brand new release: the Rocket Socks. They cost $44.95.

"Those socks are from the premium sock line," he says.

Jafar says "Oh, we actually have enough money to buy these socks."

The employee goes to get a ladder.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to let him go up a ladder?" you ask. "He could just escape."

"I got this,"

> You kick the ladder with the employee on it.

You take one step towards the ladder and then fall over...

The employee, who was two steps up the ladder, falls off the ladder and breaks his neck.

Jafar and Scringus stare at the employee in shock.

"Oh shit."

As the two of you stare, you hear a voice.

"Jafar, Scringus?" it says. "What are you doing?"

> You turn towards the voice to see who it is.

It's Mr. Flutie.

"Um who is this, kids?" he asks.

"It's no one," Jafar says nervously.


Jafar has a flashback to how he met Mr. Flutie.

It was a dark night, and Jafar was in the park.

He was approached by an old man.

"Hey kid, you lookin' for some fun?" the old man asked.

"I don't like where this is going..." says Jafar.

The old man pulls out a knife.

"Give me your money."

"Fuck you," Jafar says, and runs away.

He gets out his phone and calls the police.

> You snap Jafar out of the flashback and ask him what's wrong.

"Nothing," Jafar says. "This guy's a creep, let's go."

You and Scringus leave the store.

> You decide to go to Bed Bath & Beyond so that you can finally find the "Beyond" section.

You go to your local Bed Bath & Beyond and see a sign out front:

Come on in to our brand new Lyoko themed Décor section!

"What the fuck is this place doing here?"

> You say "You mean, the store...?"

"Yeah, it's been here for like a week," says Scringus.

Jafar and Scringus enter the store, not realizing that Mr. Flutie is right behind them.

"Come on in!"

You enter the store, and see several shelves of Lyoko themed décor.

> You say "I guess the locals are really welcoming this invasion..."

"Yeah, it's not that bad," says Scringus.

You enter a room with two doors. One door is red, one door is blue.

> You enter the door labeled "Beyond"

You enter the room and see a bunch of stuff that isn't even in the store yet.

"What's going on here?" you say out loud.

You hear a voice behind you.

Jafar and Scringus turn around, and see Mr. Flutie.

"What are you guys doing here?" he asks.

He sees that you went through the blue door, turns red, and runs off.

"Let's go," he says.

Jafar decides to tell Scringus about his first interaction with Mr. Flutie.

"He's an alien, he's an alien, he's an alien," Jafar says.

"What??" Scringus says in disbelief.

"Yeah, he's an alien."

> You say "How do you know?"

"I saw him on my first day of school," Jafar says. "He took me into his office, and probed me."

"Probed you where?" you ask.


"We need to go deeper in the Beyond section and lose him." says Jafar.

"Yeah," says Scringus.

You go deeper into the store, and find a door labeled "Unthinkable."

> You have no choice but to go into it.

You enter the door and see a bunch of people you've never seen before.

One of them looks at you.

"Hey, you finally made it. I'm Antoria."

"Where are we?" asks Jafar.

"You've entered the great Lyoko database," says Antoria. "There's a lot to do here. Explore, and have fun."

"Who are you?" asks Scringus.

"I'm Antoria," she says.

"No, I mean what type of being are you?"

"I'm an AI."

"What's an AI?" asks Jafar.

"AIs, or Artificial Intelligences, are sentient beings that exist within machines. Antoria is an AI who has been living in the computer systems of this store for years.

> You somehow remember that you have have memories of Lyoko and ask where Yumi Ishiyama is.

"She's right over there," Antoria says, "playing pool."

You see Yumi at a table. She seems older, but it really is her. She's playing pool with two other people.

Jafar approaches the group of three playing pool, and asks for their names.

"I'm Ulrich, and this is Odd," says the guy with black hair, "and this is Yumi."

"What's going on?" asks Yumi.

She seems to recognize you.

> You explain that you came through the door and are now in the Supercomputer.

"What door?" asks Yumi.

> You turn around and see the door has disappeared.

"Oh, there's that door," says Odd.

"Tell me," Yumi says, "what year is it?"

"It's 2018," you say.

"I've been gone for a while."

Jafar asks Yumi where she has been.

"I've been here the whole time," she says. "Lyoko is a place inside a computer, and I've been sleeping inside the supercomputer that runs Lyoko.

> You have faint memories of someone named Jeremie.

"Who's Jeremie?" you ask.

"He's the creator of Lyoko," says Antoria.

"We need to escape," says Jafar. "We were just trying to find the Beyond section of Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Come with us."

"I can't leave," says Antoria.

> You say "I think Jafar was talking to Yumi."

"I can't leave," says Yumi.

"I won't leave you here," says Jafar.

"I won't leave you here," says Ulrich.

"Neither will I,"

"If you don't I will light this place on fire." says Jafar.

"No," says Ulrich.

"You don't have a choice."

"I might not have a choice, but you do," Ulrich says.

> You explain that you are being chased by a strange man and need help.

"What's going on?" asks Ulrich.

"I'm being chased," you say, "by a man."

"What do you mean?" asks Odd.

"His name is Mr. Flutie. He's an alien trying to probe us." says Jafar.

"I don't trust him," says Ulrich, "he's a psychopath."

"No, he's not," you say, "he's an alien."

"How do you know?" asks Odd.

> You say "Wait you know him?"

"Yes," you say, "he's a teacher at my school. He teaches math."

"I don't trust him," says Ulrich, "he's a psychopath."

"No, he's not,"

"He PROBED ME" screams Jafar.

"I don't know what that means," says Odd.

"It's pretty self-explanatory," says Jafar.

> You say "Are you going to help us, or not?"

"I'll help you," says Ulrich.

"Thank you," you say.

"What's going on?" asks Yumi.

Jafar threatens to kill Yumi.

"I'll do it," says Ulrich.

For no apparent reason at all, Ulrich turns and punches Yumi in the face.

"You're a psycho," says Odd.

"Yes," says Ulrich. "Now let's go."

You and Jafar follow Ulrich.

"We need to find the others," says Ulrich.

"Who are the others?" you ask.

"Aelita and John," says Ulrich.

Jafar asks Ulrich why he killed Yumi.

"Let's just say...I got issues," says Ulrich.

"What did you do?" asks Jafar.

"I tried to kill her," says Ulrich, "she didn't die."

> You decide to start looking for Mr. Flutie, as he needs to be stopped.

"I'm going back to the factory," you say.

"Fine," says Ulrich. "Let's go."

You and Jafar follow Ulrich to the door back into the Bed Bath & Beyond.

"Wait here," says Ulrich, "I'll go check."

He goes through the door...

"It's clear," he says. "Come on."

You and Jafar go through it.

You are now back in the real world.

"We need to find Flutie, now!" you yell.

You run outside the school, and find him. He is trying to get into his car.

"Mr. Flutie!" you yell, "Stop!"

He gets into his car, and drives away.

Jafar, Scringus, and Ulrich break into a police car and follow Mr. Flutie to adventure.

"Come on," says Jafar, "get in."

You and Jafar get in the police car.

> You activate the Rocket Socks.

You fire the rocket socks, and fly into the back seat of the police car.

"Did you see that?" you ask Jafar.

"See what?" asks Jafar.

"Why were these $44.95?" asks Jafar.

"I don't know," you say.

Scringus drives the police car through the city. The two of you look out the window in hopes of spotting Mr. Flutie.

> You fire your rocket pen at Mr. Flutie's tires.

You fire your rocket pen at Mr. Flutie's tires, and his car veers off the road as he tries to avoid being hit.

"Yes!" you say.

Mr. Flutie exits the car and runs into the forest on foot. You and Jafar give chase.

You follow Mr. Flutie through the forest, until you arrive at an old house.

"Come on,"

Through the window of the old house, Jafar spots Scringus's hot wife on the couch.

"Hey," says Jafar. "Isn't that...?"

"Yes," you say.

You and Jafar enter the house, and find Scringus's wife.


> You say "What are you doing here, J

You and Jafar enter the house, and find Scringus's wife.

"Hi," says Jafar. "What are you doing here, Jane?"

"I'm waiting for Scringus,"

"But Mr. Flutie just ran in here!" Jafar yells.

"Oh, great," says Jane.

"Scringus, Mr. Flutie's in the house!" yells Jafar.

Suddenly, you hear a scream from somewhere in the house.

It's Flutie! Scringus walks in to investigate, leaving Jafar the perfect opportunity to hit on Jane again.

"Jane," he says, "I've been wanting to ask you this for a while..."

"Yeah?" Jane answers.

"Will you go out with me?" asks Jafar.

Jafar asks Jane out again. She agrees.

"You go girl!" you say to yourself.

The moral of the story is: Jafar is a player.