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User:Er1c1996/Sandbox/Spider-Man:No Way Home

This is an archive of an AI Dungeon story in which the AI was asked to generate the plot to the film Spider-Man: No Way Home, based on a rumored plot leak.


The film begins picking up where the previous film, Far From Home, ended. There is a time skip forward. Peter Parker is in court again defending himself against charges of being a criminal. He has been accused by Mysterio at the end of the last film of organizing the drone attack on London. Dr. Strange says he's actually going to issue a warrant for his arrest. The other heroes are divided on the topic. Happy and Mary Jane are both against him, but Ned is supportive.

Strange, who is busy at the Sanctum Santorum, puts out a warrant for Spider-Man, calling him public enemy number one. Ned tries to talk Peter into turning himself in, but he's unable to.

Strange is seen dealing with an inter-dimensional assassin calling himself the Green Goblin from an alternate universe. He reveals that he has been capturing villains from other dimensions and imprisoning them. He mentions that he has been in contact with other sorcerers around to world who are also working on the problem.

Peter, determined to prove his innocence, decides that seeking out Strange is the best way to go about this. While Ned warns him against it, he goes off anyway. As he arrives outside the sanctum, Strange, tired of waiting around for people to turn up at his home, decides to head out and round up the rest of New York's criminals.

He runs into Peter, who explains his innocence and begs Strange to use his magic to fix the situation. Strange is dismissive and claims that he's too busy to deal with him. Eventually, he says that he'll look into the issue if Spider-Man helps him by taking out some of the city's most dangerous criminals.

Peter reluctantly agrees, but later that night decides that the issue cannot wait. He breaks into the Sanctum Santorum, in the hopes of convincing Strange to use the detection spell. As it turns out, this was a big mistake, as Strange catches him in the act. However, it is already too late, because the Green Goblin has also arrived at the sanctum. He throws some sort of grenade, which causes a massive explosion that seemingly takes Strange out of the fight.

Peter, now panicking, tries to find something in the room to help Strange. He accidentally finds a portal to another dimension, presumably from which the Green Goblin originates. Before Strange gets a chance to close it, Peter touches the portal, causing an explosion that releases the villains from the prison. Strange turns out to be okay, and tells Peter about the situation. He explains that he has recruited the help of two other Peter Parkers, each from a different dimension of the multiverse. Together they will defeat the criminals and hopefully return everything to normal.

The first person they encounter is a Peter Parker played by Andrew Garfield. This version of Parker is clearly a Tony Stark fan, like the one in our dimension. He agrees to help Strange and promises that his technology will help in some way. The other Peter Parker is played by Tobey Maguire. He is a bit more hesitant to join the trio, as he is informed that he will have to fight his own personal villain, the Green Goblin. He agrees to do it anyway.

Once the group of four has gathered in the interdimensional portal room, they begin brainstorming on how to get rid of the dimensional intruders. Garfield's character suggests they exploit the weaknesses of each respective villain, saying that they have the advantage of knowing who they are. Maguire has no idea what to suggest, as does Strange who warns the others that using their knowledge of the enemies' weaknesses might not be wise at all.

"You can't just assume they will act the same way they did in your timelines," he says. Finally, it is decided that Maguire's character will lure his Goblin into the portal by using himself as bait. After all, Norman always had a soft spot for Peter. Meanwhile, Strange and Garfield's Parker will find the best way to dispatch each and every one of the intruders. This sounds like a solid plan.

Time passes and you find yourself in the portal room with two Parkers.

Mr. Aziz suddenly bursts through the portal. "Parker! You're late! Always late!" he yells at the teenager, who gulps nervously. "Apologies, Mr. Aziz," the boy responds while stepping through the portal with a large backpack, followed by another teenager with a camera around her neck. Strange is dumbfounded. "Peter, where are you going?" he asks. "Hiking!" the teenager who isn't Peter responds. "Can I come?" "Ah, no, you have to stay here and make sure these two don't fuck up our dimension."

"Wait wait wait, stop. I don't believe this. Why would Maguire's Peter ditch them to go hiking with the pizza guy?"

Strange tells you to calm down. Maguire, on the other hand, is a little more distressed by this development. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..." he mutters under his breath. "Sir. Mister... Aziz? Please, I'm dealing with a dimensional crisis!" Strange snaps, banging his head against the portal. In response to Strange's outburst, Mr. Aziz turns around and walks back to the portal. As the portal closes, he turns back to Maguire. "Peter, you're a nice guy, but you're just not dependable..."

Strange bangs his head against the portal a few more times in exasperation before turning to you. "Alright. So, we have to physically get into the portals now to stop these villains." Maguire interrupts. "Wait, hold on. I know where Octavius is going. He wants to find a way to power his fusion reactor."

"Stark..." Strange whispers to himself. "Stark had that kind of tech." Garfield looks puzzled. "St-- Stark?" he asks. confused. "Who's that?" You smile. "A genius. He invented a bunch of cool stuff, including like this super powerful arc reactor thingy that powered his suits." Garfield nods. "So that's what he's going after," he mutters. Strange turns to you and Maguire.

"Peter," he says to Maguire. "How did you get through to him in your timeline?" "It was actually really simple," Maguire says. "I just had to remind him what he told me. That his intelligence had to be used for good and that sometimes you have to give up your dreams." Strange nods silently. "Do you think that would work again?" Maguire considers this for a moment. "Dr. Octavius is not a bad man. I think it would."

"Well, I guess there's a simple solution then," Strange remarks, tapping his chin. "And you," he says to Garfield. "What about Max Dillon. How did you deal with him?" Garfield frowns. "I... I convinced him to seek professional help," Garfield says quietly. "Well, that should be easy enough then." Strange turns around. "Now, uh. About that Osborn character."

Maguire scoffs. "Yeah, good luck with that..." "What do you mean?" Strang asks. "If he's anything like when I knew him... he's not going to listen. He'll probably just try to kill us. You don't know him like I do. His son was my best friend." "Oh. Apologies," Strange says. "It's not your fault. It's his." Maguire looks over at you. You don't know what he's going to say, but you brace yourself. "Peter. This must be a lot to take in, huh."

"You have no idea," you say quietly. You leave the room to compose yourself. "I don't know if the kid's ready," Maguire says. "He's as much Peter Parker as us, dude," Garfield says. You come back in and sit in silence. There is a knock at the door. "Dr. Strange?" "Yes?" "We're attacking soon. You need to get ready." "Oh, right. Thank you."

"Looks like it's up to you three," Strange says. "I have a multiverse to deal with." Maguire looks surprised. "You aren't going to help?" he asks. "I can't. I have a duty to defend the Earth, but this is your story. You have to save it yourselves," Strange says. "Alright, fuck it. Let's do this." The three of you turn to leave. "Peter?" Strange asks. "Yes?" all three of them turn. He stares at all of you. "I trust you know what to do. I'm sorry I can't help you more, but I'm glad you're doing this." "Thanks, Doc," you say. The three of you turn to leave.

The bus ride was kind of awkward. "So," you say to Maguire. "You've been Spider-Man for 20 years?" "Yeah. It's been a hell of a ride," he says. "How did you get your powers?" you ask. Maguire smiles. "I got bit by a genetically modified spider. How else?" You laugh. "And you?" you ask Garfield. "I had no idea, but I got these fucking things a week ago. Spidey sense, I guess." He taps his head. "It feels like a really bad headache."

"Huh. Spidey Sense," you think to yourself. That's a good name for it. "So, what's the plan then?" The bus slows to a halt. "I guess we all stick together at first," Maguire says. You begin to wonder when Maguire will say the "With great power" line. Will it happen? Should you say it first to fit in, or to be ironic?

"So, this is it," Maguire says. "The George Washington Bridge." He points out of the window. That's wrong. They are actually at the Brooklyn Bridge. "Uh, that's the Brooklyn Bridge," you point out. "Huh," Maguire says, looking confused. "Now that you mention it, it does look different. Is that... is that a shield?" he asks as he looks over to the Statue of Liberty. "What the... it's huge!" Maguire exclaims as he gazes at the statue. "I thought it was holding a book, not a shield!"

"Alternate dimensions, Pete," Garfield says in awe. "That's what this is. We're in an alternate dimension." "Holy... we have to get back," Maguire cries out. "We have to get back right now!" "Relax, Pete," Garfield says. "We're here to save the world, remember?" "You're right." Maguire takes a deep breath. "We'll get through this. Which... which way do we go?" A giant portal opens over Ellis Island. Red, purple and yellow light pours out of it. "That way," you say, pointing at it. "Any second now, the super-villains are going to start coming out of there."

This is it! The epic suit-up moment. All three Spideys together!

"Let's see now..." Maguire says, tapping his chin as he tries to work out which outfit to wear. "I think the black suit is a little too meme-worthy." "Uhh... what are you doing?" you ask. "We're about to go into battle! We don't have time for this!" you yell. "Hold on, hold on," Maguire says. "This is important." He continues poring through the wardrobe that has appeared in front of him. "Okay, the stealth suit's out. The primitive armor's out. The tactical suit's out. That just leaves..."

"The classic suit." Maguire holds up the classic red and blue, web-slinging suit. "You like this one?" he asks. "Yeah! Just put it on, damn it!" you shout at him. "Jesus." Maguire sighs as he begins to undress. "You need to learn how to relax." You stare at Maguire in disgust as he removes his clothing to reveal his white underclothes. "Dude, you dress like an old person." "Hey, I like comfort. Not every..." Maguire's words are cut off by a strange sound. The portal has opened. An ominous, purple, red and yellow swirling mass dominates the sky.

"It's time," you say as you put on the mask. Maguire pulls on the underclothes, before pulling the classic suit over them. "Fuck, why does it always ride up in the crotch..." Maguire complains, struggling to pull the suit down. "Come on, asshole!" you shout. "Yeah, yeah, fuck you," Maguire says. He fastens the bottom part of the suit and pulls the gloves on. "There. How do I look?"

"I dunno. Cute?" Garfield winks before he jumps off the bridge. You follow him, and fall with an acrobatic flourish. A group of reporters have gathered at the base of the bridge, pointing their cameras and microphones at you and Maguire. Maguire controls his urges and jumps. The trio head off towards Ellis Island. You arrive at the foot of the Statue of Liberty and look up to see Green Goblin on his glider.

He throws a pumpkin bomb at Maguire, who slings it back with his web. "You like games, Goblin?" Maguire yells. "This is no game, Spider!" Goblin yells back. You swing your web and kick the glider, sending it off course. "Wait! Peter!" Goblin's glider flies past you, out into the bay. Still, he lands on his feet, his hand outstretched to Maguire. "You're awfully trusting," he says. "I can't be like you," Maguire says. "That's why I'll win, and you'll lose. You're too trusting," Goblin says. "Trust will get you far, Gobby." "It won't get you far enough," Goblin says, turning away.

Just as Maguire turns to follow him, he fires a bomb at him. Suddenly, Doc Ock's arm catches it and throws it away. "Dr. Octavius?" "Who said I was a bad guy?" he quips. "I just want the Stark tech." Suddenly, a portal opens up in front of you. "Hey! What's..." Maguire starts to say. "Go!" Doc Ock says. You jump through the portal.

You notice you are in New York, but not the one you know. Something feels off. Maguire's eyes are wide. "Home..." he says. You jump into the river, and emerge next to a pier. You notice a billboard for something called Empire Soap, the newest thing. "Damn, it's been years since I've been home."